We have a service net to satisfy all the customers, and help our customers to get higher value from our equipments. We have professional Technicians and rich-experienced engineers on site. They care about the equipments of the customers and provide good, fast, and consummate after-sales service, technical support and full spare parts supply, which will keep the equipments and system in a good working condition.The moment when you decide to buy our products,we will be always with you,we will be a faithful partners of your cause,we will discuss with you on all your concerning questions, and then provide a solution.
No matter when and where we are, we will try to provide the best solutions of after-sales service.
The service is not only after, but before, before the problems occur, we will do more to avoid the problems and help customers get more benefits.
Everything we do, only to let customers get more benefits in the market to get more business opportunities to create more value for our customers and the community.
Freely, Global assigns dedicated service personnel to the site to guide installation and adjustment till success, and takes responsibility for the training of operators until the customer can completely operate the plant by themselves...
Freely, Global assigns dedicated service personnel to the site to guide installation and adjustment till success, and takes responsibility for the training of operators until the customer can completely operate the plant by themselves.
Models and specifications of the equipment, according to the actual needs of customers, or special requirements of customers, can be custom designed. Global provides customers with production line design process and helps to design a satisfactory and reasonable production line. We also provide related technical personnel training and enable them to acquire a certain amount of technical knowledge and machine maintenance tips. All of these does not charge customers any fees.
To love our customers, to create wealth for customers and bring the joy to customers.